Contact Us

You will find all the details you need in order to contact us on this page, our Key People to contact in school are listed below.

We endeavour to reply to any contact within 24 hours although in certain circumstances, it may take longer. Please be aware that we will be in touch with you at the earliest opportunity.

Paper copies of our policies and other website items are available upon request.

Paper copies are provided free of charge.

Please contact the school office on 01302 842464 or email:

Key Contact Details:

Mrs F Parish - Principal
Mr C Lambert - Chair of Governors, please contact via Sheep Dip Lane Academy, Sheep Dip Lane, Dunscroft, DN7 4AU
Mrs S Foster – Academy Business Manager
Miss M Graham - Office Manager
Mrs A Parkhurst - SENDCO   senco@sheepdip,    01302 842464

Miss Hinchliffe, Mrs Rose and Mrs Sellers are our admin team who are ‘happy to help’ - please contact school where we can deal with any queries you may have, thank you.

Sheep Dip Lane Academy, Sheep Dip Lane, Dunscroft, Doncaster DN7 4AU
Telephone: 01302 842464


Exceed Learning Partnership 

Edlington Lane, Doncaster, South Yorkshire DN12 1 PL

Telephone: 01709 805175



Exceed Learning Partnership