Safeguarding our School

The safety and well-being of our children is at the forefront of all we do. All school staff receive regular Safeguarding & Child Protection training and are vigilant at all times. It is a statutory responsibility to safeguard all our children.

  • We kindly ask that you do not bring dogs onto our school site.
  • Smoking and vaping is not permitted anywhere on the school site-buildings or grounds.
  • Please do not come onto school site on a motorised scooter, unless a mobility scooter.
  • Please take care when parking outside school, do not park on the yellow or zig zag lines.
  • Please use PEDESTRIAN Access at all times and do not cross the car park as we aim to keep everyone safe.
  • If your child has had an accident or injury outside of school, please inform staff as your child arrives in the morning.

 Thank you for your kind consideration in helping us to keep our children safe and see below for our named Safeguarding Leads:


To report a safeguarding concern to the academy, please call 01302 842464.

The Designated Safeguarding Leader is:

Faye Parish - Principal

Trust Strategic Safeguarding Leader is:

Matt Copestick

The Single Point of Contact for Early Help / Doncaster Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub is:

Rebecca Southorn - Inclusion Manager 

The Deputy Designated Safeguarding Leaders (DDSLs) are:

Alison Parkhurst - Vice Principal

Rebecca Southorn - Inclusion Manager

Mavis Graham - Office Manager

The Designated Teacher for Looked after Children in:

Faye Parish - Principal

The nominated Safeguarding governor is:

Chris Lambert

The named PREVENT, FGM lead and online protection officer is:

Faye Parish - Principal 

The named CSE lead is:

Rebecca Southorn - Inclusion Manager 

The Senior Leader for Mental Health is:

Alison Parkhurst - Vice Principal

The Personal Development (PSHCE) is:

Michelle Steeper - Assistant Principal


Our local contextual needs are:

CCE / risk of gangs

Domestic abuse (healthy relationships)

Views that are not in line with British Values

We adapt our Personal Development curriculum to ensure that children have the knowledge and skills to keep themselves safe. 


Meet our Safeguarding Team


Our Local Authority Designated Officer (LADO) is available through contacting Doncaster Council. 01302 737332
Referral and Response Service: 01302 737777
Out of Hours Service: 01302 796000

Please click here to go to our Policy page to view our Safeguarding Policies.

Doncaster Safeguarding Children's Partnership: Allegations Against Staff LADO

LADO Flowchart

Health & Safety Poster