
We are pleased to anounce that all children attending our school from September 2024 will receive a brand new red sweatshirt with our school logo on.  We were successful in a bid for funding from Hallam FM, we were also able to offer some Uniform Burseries, with all parents being eligible to apply  in the Summer Term - thank you to all our staff who work tirelessly to support our families!

As well as encouraging our children to take a pride in their work and behaviour, school also encourages pupils to take a pride in their appearance and expects that children will come to school in appropriate dress. School has a school uniform that was developed by parents and is worn by the majority of our pupils.

Please ensure your child's name is in every item of clothing, including coats, to ensure lost property is returned to them. 

School requests that hair styles are kept smart and alternative styles are kept to the school holidays. School does not encourage or support 'tramline' hairstyles or piercings. Earrings must be removed for all PE, sport and swimming lessons by the child wearing them, to conform with BALPE rulings.

Our school colour is red and items, such as cardigans and sweatshirts are available from most major supermarkets, this ensures the cost remains low for families whilst still wearing a school uniform.

Parents wishing to buy uniform with our School Logo can buy direct from our supplier - 'My Clothing' please follow the link below to make your purchase.

To order uniform visit their website - My Clothing - The link will take you straight to our school's page.

Orders will then be delivered to your home address.  

Please order sizes carefully as items that are printed to order with the embroidered logo are unable to be returned.


School Uniform Parents Booklet


Our Academy is often supported by Asda Community and The Thorne Lions to enable us to provide uniform to families.  We also often have donated items of uniform - if you need any help, please speak to Admin or our Inclusion Team to see what we have available.

Hatfield St Lawrence Church also runs a 'Pre-Loved Uniform Bank' - offering pre-worn school uniform at a low cost to families for all local schools, and welcome donations of uniform for their stocks to help any families who need the support:

All items are 50p or you can 'Fill a Bag for a fiver' - see below for dates or contact on 01302 350591