- Parents
- Letters to Parents
- Newsletters
- School Lunches and Free School Meals
- Admissions
- Term Dates
- School Day
- Uniform
- Online Safety
- Useful Links
- Home learning activities
- Breakfast Club
- East Doncaster Development Trust
- Hatfield Library
- Heathfield Centre
- Community PCSO
- Travis St Lawrence Church
- The Croft
- Doncaster City Council
- Doncaster Community Hub
Heathfield Centre
The Heathfield Centre is home to a large family doctor practice, a pharmacy and a range of community services, including health visiting, district and school nursing.
Health education, health promotion and social care activities have been designed and are provided from The Heathfield Centre in response to the local public health issues.
Telephone Number 01302 897600 or visit their Website
The full range of Community Health Services include:
- Baby clinic
- Child and Adolescent Mental Health
- Counselling
- Health Promotion
- Immunisation
- Orthoptics
- Physiotherapy
- School Nursing
- Speech Therapy
- Cervical smear screening
- Community nursing
- Diabetes services
- Health Visiting
- Midwifery
- Outpatients
- Podiatry
- Smoking Cessation