Year 5/6
Year 5/6 Staff
Mrs Vose and Mrs Winter
In school we use Seesaw for a blended learning approach to help pupils each week practise their key skills for reading, writing, spelling, Mathematics and wider curriculum topics.
Home Learning - in Year 5/6 we use the app Seesaw each week our teachers upload activities linked to our learning in class to help us keep practising and learning.
PE and Swimming
All children in Year 5 have a weekly swimming lesson, our lessons begin in September - don't forget to return your completed consent and medical forms to class teacher.
Our P.E days are: Tuesday (Outdoor) and Wednesdays (Swimming).
We use Jigsaw curriculum.
Reading Expectations
All children in Year 5 should be reading at home 3 times a week as a minimum. Children are rewarded for their home reading by moving up the in-class chart and can win prizes for doing lots of home reading.
In Y6 we expect children to read at home 5 times a week with this being recorded and commented on in reading journals by adults. An adult at school will also read with your child regularly. Your children should be practicing reading out loud and in their heads and it would be great if you could sometimes ask them questions about what you have heard them read. They should develop a fluency in reading to be able to read 120 words per minute.