Remote Learning

Academy Remote Education Provision – Information


Home Learning

Homework is normally set on a Friday, to be completed by the following week - please see your child's class pages for further details.

Homework is uploaded onto our Learning Apps, links are below, please speak to class teachers if you need your login details reprinting.

Our online access learning platforms are:

  • For EYFS pupils (Nursery and Reception) Tapestry  Tapestry - Log In (
  • For KS1 and KS2 pupils Year 1-6 Seesaw
  • Parents/carers wishing to access a paper based learning pack can contact school admin on 01302 842464 or and these will be prepared by our teaching team to be collected by families.

Online subscribed websites to support phonics, reading and Maths: at Sheep Dip Lane Academy we use the following sites and apps details of which will be on pupils’ weekly timetables.

  • Reading eggs
  • Mathletics
  • Oaks Academy recorded lessons
  • Phonics play
  • TTRockstars

We may also set some longer term homework with websites, video links where pupils will be asked to do research.

Responding to homework Teachers will:

  • Approve work so the children are alerted that it has been submitted.
  • ‘Like’ the work by clicking on the heart to acknowledge that the work has been seen by the teacher.
  • Mark the submitted work by clicking on the three dots (…) and clicking Edit and using either the pencil/felt tip tool to draw ticks, highlighter to identify gaps or errors, text tool to add a written response or voice response to give a more personal feedback.