Special Educational Needs and Disabilities SEND

At Sheep Dip Lane Academy we believe that all children deserve a broad and balanced curriculum with exciting, motivating and rewarding real life experiences.

Some children have a learning difficulty or disability that makes it harder for them to access their learning. These children will require extra help from school, this might be for a short period or throughout their time in education.

It is important that we recognise that all children are individual and have the right to be supported in order to achieve their potential.

A child or young person has SEN if they have a learning difficulty or disability which calls for special educational provision to be made for him or her.
A child of compulsory school age or a young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she:

  • has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age, or
  • has a disability which prevents or hinders him or her from making use of facilities of a kind generally provided for others of the same age in a mainstream school

We have a specialised team in place to support children with additional education needs – Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator, Inclusion Manager and many highly trained SEND Support Assistants. All class teachers also have the responsibility of supporting children with additional needs in their classes.


In order for all children to achieve their full potential, we ensure that staff are trained in techniques and strategies including:

  • Sensory circuits
  • Thrive bereavement support
  • Thrive
  •  Lunchtime Thrive squad
  • Team Teach
  • Occupational therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Moving and handling

We also have specialised areas aimed at providing nurture support and care for our children.

We aim to work in partnership with our parents/carers, understanding that every child is an individual. It is therefore imperative that every child is supported on an individual basis with full consent and consultation with parents and carers. We also have strong, positive working relationships with external supporting agencies including: Behaviour Outreach Support Service (BOSS), Speech and Language Therapists, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Children and Adult Mental Health Services (CAMHS), Educational Psychology, School Nursing Teams, Visual Impairment Teams, ASD Teams and Hearing Impairment Teams, Autism, Social Communication Education and Training Service (ASCETS), Hearing impairment  Team.

Within an inclusive learning environment, we offer specialised support and aim to nurture children and grow their gifts and minds for the future.

Please see below for some responses from our fantastic parents to a survey held regarding SEND in our school:

What is the best thing about SEND provision?

“Communication with home support for the child.”

“SEND provision is dealt with promptly with any issues or enquiries requested.”

“They just get ‘I’ and are fab with him.”

“Problems are dealt with very quickly; my child gets the help he needs to be the best he can be.”

“I have felt very happy with ‘A’s’ progression whilst at SDLA, the school have been amazing. Even when he struggles he is encouraged to try harder. He is very happy at this school.”

“The communication and work put in to make ‘R’ feel part of it and comfortable.”

“Constant communication.”

“Support is offered to everyone who needs it, it is inclusive, proportionate, it addresses individual needs and most importantly offers a person-centred approach.”

“Good SEND lead.”

“Always put my child needs first and always keep me updated.”

“They have my child’s best interests and act accordingly to ensure things are in place.”

“Staff understand my child’s needs.”

“One to one support, my child gets on well with his key staff.”

Do you have any suggestions about how we could improve our SEND provision?

“I am happy with the SEND provision and am happy to share any suggestions in the future.”

“I am happy with the SEND provision that is in place.”

“No everything is amazing!”

“More updates on my child’s learning other than parent evenings.”

“I feel privileged to say the SEND provisions within our school are EXCELLENT!”

Any other comments or views?

“Couldn’t ask for better, I’m thrilled with how ‘A’ is treated and how she is encouraged to be herself.”

“I couldn’t think of a better school to have my children in, on a personal level the school has been everything I’ve needed and wanted it to be.”

“Keep doing what you are doing as a school, it’s amazing!”

“We are extremely pleased with how the school’s SEND provision is, specifically Mrs Parkhurst, Mrs Willis and Mrs Sparrow. All of the nursery staff are wonderful. I couldn’t be more grateful.”

Where to find help and information:

Talk to school 

Mrs A Parkhurst  SENDCo

Mr M Copestick Inclusion Manager

If you think your child might need extra help or support with their education, the first step is to talk to someone in school.  We will listen to your concerns and discuss how we feel we can best help. 

Click here to take a look at our Accessibility Plan 2023 2026.

Click here to see our SEND Policies and Information Report

Next steps

If we identify that your child has Special Educational Needs, we will arrange a meeting to discuss what type of support your child might need. 

Find out about resources, services, support, activities and events for Doncaster’s children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

Local Offer Leaflet

There is also a link below to a parent’s guide to SEND

parent guide

Please see link below to BBC bitesize to support children and families with SEND:


SEND & Looked after Children

SDLA Local Offer v4