The school has a well-equipped hall and large playing fields. Each child is expected to take part in the full range of activities unless medically unfit. These include games, gymnastics, dance and learning basic skills of ball control, catching and throwing. Early football, rugby, netball, tennis and cricket skills are taught to all children. The local swimming baths in Wheatley is used for developing water confidence skills in Year 5. School is part of a local network and takes part in inter competition annually.
For further information on Physical Education in school please see our Sports Premium page.
All schools must provide swimming instruction. At Sheep Dip Lane Academy swimming is taught to pupils within year 5.
Schools publish details of Year 6 pupils competency in swimming and the details below are based on results from their lessons in Year 5 (2023-2024):
Swimming Competency of Year 6 co-Hort 2024 2025 Academic Year
The Percentage of Pupils who can swim competently, confidently and proficiently over 25m or more. 76%
The Percentage of Pupils who can perform self-rescue and partner Rescue in different water-based situations. 92%
The Percentage of Pupils introduced to strokes 92%
Sessions are taught at Swim Stars - at either their Wheatley or Bawtry pools.
Schools publish details of Year 6 pupils competency in swimming and the details below are based on results from their lessons in Year 5 (2022-2023):
Swimming Competency of Year 6 co-hort 2023 - 2024 Academic Year
Percentage of Year 6 pupils who can swim competently,
confidently and proficiently over a distance of at least 25 metres 57%
Percentage of Year 6 pupils who could use a range of strokes effectively
(for example, front crawl, backstroke and breaststroke) 100%
Percentage of Year 6 pupils who could perform safe self-rescue,
in different water-based situations 100%
All staff have received training in the PE package we are using throughout school - this is 'your-pe'. Our children are loving it, please see the links below for the Progression of Skills for different elements of PE for the Year groups covered to see what your child is learning:
PE Games & Ball Skills: Year R Y1 Y2
PE Net and Wall Games Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6
PE Strike and Field Games Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6
PE Problem solving and team building YR Y1 Y2
PE Outdoor and Adventurous Activities Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6
Please follow links below to see our Long term plan for PE showing what is taught in each year group.