Pupil Premium


The government allocates a specific pupil premium grant to every school for the children who are entitled to, or have been on, Free School Meals (FSM) in the previous six years (EVER6) and also to children in Local Authority Care. This is used as an indicator of deprivation, of which our school is the 14th most deprived school in Doncaster. We are deployed a fixed amount of money per child, based on the number of children, who are registered as EVER6.

One of our key priorities is to ensure that we narrow the disadvantage gap between the children registered for FSM and non-FSM children, by addressing inequalities through high expectations and raising the attainment of this group of children from low-income families.

All members of staff and governors recognise the importance of raising this attainment and are committed to raising standards through an exciting, engaging and challenging.

Spending of Pupil Premium Grant:

The senior leadership team and the governors used the SIP and tracking to plan a whole school intervention programme, which specifically targets individuals and groups of children. This enables us to raise standards in learning and narrow any gaps between groups of learners.

This also involved the English and Maths subject leaders and specific training through INSET opportunities for all staff to ensure that the teaching of RWI (English intervention) was taught consistently to a high standard.

Learning walks and monitoring have taken place during this year to ensure that teaching and learning standards are high and good progress is being made by all pupils. Intensive assessments are completed half termly and correlated with formative and summative assessments to ensure that progress is on track for at least 4 points progress by the end of the year.

We work closely with our parents/carers as well through parental workshops. Mini libraries have been created for the children to take home and use with their families, thereby allowing the children to continue their learning outside school. 

Files to Download

Please click on the link below to see how our Academy spends the allocated funds: 

SDLA Pupil Premium Strategy 2024 - 2027 and Evaluation Report 1023/2024

SDLA Pupil Premium Strategy Statement 2023 - 2026

SDLA Pupil Premium Strategy Plan 2021 - 2024 Evaluation Report

Below are our Pupil Premium Strategies from previous years:

SDLA Pupil Premium Strategy Plan 2022 -23