- Parents
- Letters to Parents
- Newsletters
- School Lunches and Free School Meals
- Admissions
- Term Dates
- School Day
- Uniform
- Online Safety
- Useful Links
- Home learning activities
- Breakfast Club
- East Doncaster Development Trust
- Hatfield Library
- Heathfield Centre
- Community PCSO
- Travis St Lawrence Church
- The Croft
- Doncaster City Council
- Doncaster Community Hub
Welcome back to everyone and to all our new families who have joined our school for the first time this term. Your child will receive a first class education with high quality teaching and learning experiences in a supportive community school.
This area is dedicated to parent information, have a look through the areas for updates and information about the school.
We are really looking forward to a year of excellent work, fantastic achievements and wonderful experiences.
Mrs F Parish
Head Teacher